The Strategist
Management & Strategy

The Wave Of ‘Mindfulness’ Is Changing The Corporate Outlook - 06/12/2015

David Gelles’ new book introduces the modern trend, which is not so modern after all, of the American corporate sector, which is none other than a regular practice of “mindfulness”. – 08 June 2015 – The reporter of “New York Times”, David Gelles, explores the growing trend of meditation amid the corporate sector of America. Zachary Karabell begins with a satirical note by...

The Power Behind the Throne - 06/11/2015

An informal leader is not a position, holders of this talent won’t describe it in a resume. Once in the community, informal leaders are equally capable to improve the atmosphere and make discord among the staff. What to do if you’ve got an informal leader in your team: dismiss or try to negotiate? How to get close to the office shadow director? Every group has "leader - followers" relationship....

Deutsche bank appoints John Cryan as CEO - 06/09/2015

Deutsche Bank is planning to replace its current CEOs Anshu Jain and Jürgen Fitschen with its supervisory board member John Cryan.   The bank that had been engulfed in lawsuits, scandals and management shake-ups over recent months is now trying to find a new direction under the new CEO who is a former UBS AG finance chief. Mr. Achleitner has an experience of over two years at the...

What's Wrong with Poor People? - 06/04/2015

"The economy is too important aspect of our lives to give it at the mercy of the professional economists," - says economist of Cambridge Ha-Joon Chang. In his book, "How does the economy", he explains how the economy is affected by poverty, and vice versa. The quest for equality has become a powerful driving force of human history. Equality was one of the ideals of the French Revolution. Liberte,...

Better Forest Management To Boost Rural Jobs - 06/02/2015

The new EU woodland method must concentrate on overseeing woodlands economically, advancing proficient utilization of the crude materials that they create, and boosting the intensity of woods related industry in order to make occupations, says a non-authoritative determination voted by Parliament on Tuesday. – 28 May 2015 – The new EU woods technique is a highly required...

The Comeback Known As Vertical Integration - 06/01/2015

Vertical integration to a great extent dropped out of support when combination got to be stylish amid the late 1960s and mid '70s. Truth be told, numerous businesses experienced vertical dis-coordination. Today, for instance, just about 75% of the parts going into American autos are sourced from outside the United States. While PC organizations once made the memory, prepared chips and composed...

People to Stay Away From - 05/29/2015

We all know people who spread negative around themselves and wear all the surrounding out. Such individuals may have a negative effect on your movement to success. To achieve results, we must always maintain maximum concentration. Irritation and stress, which are associated with the emergence of these types of unpleasant people, act as unnecessary obstacles – that is why such people should be...

Not Sell but Interact - 05/28/2015

Marketers seek closer cooperation between its brands and consumers, but direct contact with the customers always goes to retail. Retailers diligently study the needs of customers, their motivation and behavior in order to improve the perception of visitors to its stores. But they do it more for its own benefit and not for the benefit of the individual product brands (except for its own brands, of...

Becoming an Advanced Reader - 05/26/2015

Creatively thinking people constantly read: this way, they give food to mind in the form of fresh information and new ideas. As Gore Vidal told, the brain without self-top dressing eventually eats itself. Here some useful tips from the expert in a creativity, which will help pump up your mind when reading. Be legible in reading. Before starting on the book, think: Is this book going to be...

Barbara Sher's Wishcraft - 05/20/2015

She single-handedly raised two children. A lot of work and struggle to make ends meet. But almost 45 years was time to start something new, even if it looks a little late – she wrote her first book, "How to get what you really want", which became a bestseller and made her one of the top motivational speakers of the world. Barbara Sher has helped find their destination to a million people. Today,...
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