The Strategist

Time to go: How to deal with dismissal

11/01/2019 - 05:07

So, you have decided that it’s time to move on and change your job (or employee). Whoever you are - an employee or a manager - you are probably uncomfortable with dismissal.

Anyone who has worked with a good team understands how close relationships within the team can be. You are comrades in arms. Together you resist absurd deadlines, nervous clients and narcissists. The team is your second family, and it can be hard to part with them, no matter how harmless the reasons is. But of course, there are ways that help get out of such situations with the least loss.

How to quit

So, you decided to leave work. You got a director who makes you work on weekends. Or maybe you want to open your own company. Or you and your family move to another city, and you will not be able to work in the same place. Whatever the reason, quit as befits a professional, that is, peacefully, while maintaining friendly relations with the team.

Continue to assist the former team

There is nothing wrong with answering questions or suggesting something to the newcomer who has replaced you. You will be surprised how this person will appreciate your help.

Apply for dismissal in advance

It seems perfectly obvious, but, surprisingly, many people often neglect it. If you play a prominent role in the work of your organization, then people are counting on you.

Write a thank you note

Yes, such a letter should be sent even to an egocentric director. Be generous, don’t be stingy with praise and thank him (or her) for mentoring you.

How to fire an employee

Dismissal of staff is an integral part of the work of a manager. Do not blame yourself and do not hesitate to dismiss the employee. Business interests should come first. However, on the other hand, there is no need to behave, to put it mildly, unpleasantly.

Regardless of the reason, dismissal is always perceived as humiliation. And if you lead a creative team, consider that they are more vulnerable: they are easy to break, they painfully respond to failures. Critical remarks should be approached very carefully.

In any case, the employee needs to be thanked. Mark positive traits, if appropriate, give advice on the next career step. Unless the person has done anything criminal during the work, write a letter of recommendation and, if provided, a severance pay. But before you part with any of the employees, you must do the following.

Give the opportunity to mend

If the employee is a valuable member of the team, fits well into the team and you sincerely think that you can correct the situation, give him this chance: set clear, realistic goals and set a 30-day deadline. These goals should enable him to work on his weaknesses. For example, if a person often misses deadlines, then the main task of the trial period should be to improve time management skills.

Can they take another position?

If he/she is a good person and a real hard worker, then ask yourself if you can find another role for him in the team.

Do not delay with dismissal

Usually intuition rarely fails us. And if it seems to you that a person is not suitable for your company, let him go. It is dishonest to postpone the issue in relation to both ourselves and the employee. He will thank you later, when he gets a new job, where his knowledge and skills will allow him to show himself from the best side.

Take time to find another job

Do not be a pedant, do not cling to strict rules. If your company decided to work for two weeks, but the person has a family that lives on his salary, give him enough time to find a new place, even if you have to pay him for an extra couple of weeks.

Offer to help with job search

It may happen that you need to reduce the total headcount in order to keep the company afloat, and for this you will have to fire one of your loyal employees. Offer them your help in finding a new job: revive your connections and recommend people to those who could accept them in their company.

Give brilliant recommendation

If these people did not rob the company, did not violate the non-disclosure agreement concluded with the client, did not kill the office dog, and provided that they worked with you for a while, always give your employees a recommendation letter.

Think about the consequences

Remember that firing people negatively affects the entire team. Everyone who worked in a medium or large agency undoubtedly experienced the so-called Moses effect: the departure of one or two employees entails a mass exodus of personnel. Therefore, dismissal requires a delicate and prudent approach from both sides, regardless of the situation.

Based on "How to Do Great Work Without Being an Asshole" by Paul Woods

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