The British Parliament refused to legalize euthanasia, voting against the bill on Friday, which provides for the right of voluntary withdrawal from life for terminally ill people.
330 members of the House of Commons voted against the bill, 118 people supported it. The last time the parliament had been considering a bill on the right to voluntary leave the life, was 20 years ago.
The document called for the development of special procedures for terminally ill people, in which they, having desire to escape from life, could have gone under the supervision of physicians taking a lethal dose of special medicines. At the same time, take advantage of this right could only those whose diagnosis are inconclusive, and whose expected lifetime is not more than six months. The decision to grant the request of the patient was to be taken by two doctors and approved by court.
Opinions on the issue were divided. Some MPs said deserve dignified death, some considered this law unacceptable. Prime Minister David Cameron, head of the Conservative Party, which has a majority in parliament, opposed the document.
Currently, euthanasia in the UK is legally equated with murder.
330 members of the House of Commons voted against the bill, 118 people supported it. The last time the parliament had been considering a bill on the right to voluntary leave the life, was 20 years ago.
The document called for the development of special procedures for terminally ill people, in which they, having desire to escape from life, could have gone under the supervision of physicians taking a lethal dose of special medicines. At the same time, take advantage of this right could only those whose diagnosis are inconclusive, and whose expected lifetime is not more than six months. The decision to grant the request of the patient was to be taken by two doctors and approved by court.
Opinions on the issue were divided. Some MPs said deserve dignified death, some considered this law unacceptable. Prime Minister David Cameron, head of the Conservative Party, which has a majority in parliament, opposed the document.
Currently, euthanasia in the UK is legally equated with murder.