The Strategist

How to Get a Dream Team

05/15/2015 - 18:22

It is often quite difficult to get people into a new project, mainly due to the fact that the goal has not yet been completely formed and it is not clear who and what specifically is needed.

Bringing uncommon people is especially important in startups and at early business stages where only two things are significant: the idea and the team. The team, as is known, has the most direct impact on the success of the whole project. So how do you find and hire the people that would perfectly fit in your project? What kind of relationship to establish in the team and how to manage it work?

A team is the people like-minded on the idea that meet the requirements of the project, and, moreover, trusting each other. When selecting colleagues, be guided by the fact that you feel comfortable with these people, because the new project requires a lot of work and, accordingly, spending a lot of time with the team. If you don’t get along with someone, even if they are high-level professionals, the project is doomed to failure. You will be able to intuitively determine whether it is possible to cooperate and find common ground already at the first meeting with the person. At the same time, remember that only having been working with the man for some time, you can determine whether to go further with him. To secure yourself, discuss in advance what to will do, how to be prepared for situations, how to act and when necessary to leave.

Team members must be chosen carefully so that the professional skills of each of them were disclosed and used in the work. Allocating responsibilities, the values ​​of life, landmarks and interests, thinking and behavioral characteristics in addition to professional skills, should be taken into account.

The decisive factor in the recruitment of the team is motivation, which, ideally, is not required from you as from the head, because the right people are flaming with the idea and the project. The main thing here - support at critical moments and abstinence from continuous monitoring, which can only slow down the pace of work. The difficulty lies in the fact that ordinary skilled are in need of constant motivation and control, because they move the project just a little forward, and superprofessionals are harder to involve in teamwork.

In case if the head makes decisions or goes to the production together with the team, if everyone in the team gets familiar, regardless of the age difference, with each other, it is important to ensure that the failure of the chain of command did not hurt the project. At the beginning of the work, it is necessary to allocate duties and responsibilities to keep the distance and to share personal and professional roles. If the responsible person is not defined and several people play the role of the leader, the work is at risk of default.

The absence of significant control in the team can be seen as a shift to informal, friendly relations. It is important to keep the balance and make the difference between a friendly team and a team of friends clear to colleagues.