The Strategist

French President declares victory over local COVID-19 epidemic

06/15/2020 - 07:47

On June 14, President Emmanuel Macron turned to compatriots and announced that the coronavirus epidemic had been defeated. From Monday, June 15, state borders open within Europe, and from July 1, communications with countries outside Schengen where the "epidemic is stopped" resumes.

EU2017EE via flickr
EU2017EE via flickr
All France goes into the "green" zone, except for two overseas territories - Mayotte and Guiana. Restaurants, cafes, bars start working on Monday, and all students will go to school from June 22.

In total, more than 194 thousand cases of infection were detected in France, 29 thousand of those infected died. Over the past day, 526 new cases were recorded, less than 10 people died.

The main task now, according to the president, will be the economic revival of the country and the preservation of order and social harmony.

Recalling the equal rights of citizens, the importance of the fight against racism, he expressed support for the law enforcement officers, ensuring the "republican order", and stressed that France would not refuse a single name in its history and would not remove any of the monuments erected to its heroes.

President Macron promised to announce the details of the revival program in his July speech.


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