The Strategist

Tesla's production and shipments fall in Q1

04/03/2020 - 06:19

The American electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla reduced production and supply of cars in the first quarter of 2020 compared to the fourth quarter of 2019, the company said in a release.

Over the period, the company produced 102,672 cars, which is 2% less in quarterly terms and 33% more in annual terms. Production of Model S and X for the three reporting months amounted to 15.39 thousand cars, which is 14% less in quarterly terms and 9% more in annual terms. Production of Model 3 and Y machines reached 87,282 machines.

Deliveries for the period fell by 21% on a quarterly basis, to 88.4 thousand cars, while in annual terms the figure grew by 40%. Deliveries of Model S and X amounted to 12.2 thousand cars, the decline in quarterly terms was 37%, in annual terms - almost unchanged. Deliveries of machines of Model 3 and Y machines amounted to 76.2 thousand machines.

The company notes that performance was the best for the first quarter. Production of Model Y began in January, and model shipments in March, which is well ahead of schedule. The plant in Shanghai continues to show a record level of production, the release notes.

The American company Tesla Motors was founded in 2003 as a developer and manufacturer of electric vehicles and related technologies. The company is headquartered in Palo Alto, California. In addition to electric vehicles, the company manufactures batteries and electric motors using its own technology and sells it to other automobile companies, in particular Toyota and Daimler.
