New York- 27 March 2015- Raketu, a New York based company, who develops encrypted and secure communication applications, has launched its new app called RakEM.
RakEM is a mobile messaging application that provides the users with the exclusive privacy and control over their information flow whether in the form of images, location and file sharing, voice calling, video chatting, push messaging or simple inboxing. It is an app that runs on both iOS and Android.
Raketu officials inform that everyone at least once in his lifetime has regretted over sending some text messages or sharing some files, wishing he could alter the ‘done deed’. But alas! What’s done can never be undone! Right?
No! Wrong! Absolutely wrong! Today, with RakEM in your phone, you are the master of all your information transactions. However, RakEM provides the solution to this problem by eliminating the option of “text regret” as the application can delete the messages in the process of being transferred. In fact, RakEM can do a little more than that; with the help of RakEM the unwanted messages or files shared can even be erased from the devices of the recipients.
Raketu’s encrypted server-less system, unlike the growing trend of cloud computing which stores all the data, RakEM doesn’t send the information into the cloud. It uses a direct technology of routing the message from one device to another. As a result, the risk of data mining or the information being saved in the cloud never arises. Moreover, the encryption algorithms are self-mutating which ensures a direct device to device transfer without using any server.
The application is now available on Google Play Station for free download. It also offers free device to device encrypted calls both video and voice over the net. Currently, the application is being used in various languages and in hundred fifty countries worldwide.
In case, says Tom Dawson, you have been regretting lately any sent text, which can potentially affect your relationship or your career, this trend being especially observed with the teenagers, need to install the app as soon as possible to experience a relief. The technology of RakEM provides a reciprocal message deletion option, allowing the users to simply delete all the unwanted messages from both devices, which they had hoped to unsend. The options for deletion include two different ones, either message by message or at one go by selecting an entire conversation.
As for the adults, looking for discretion and assured privacy, RakEM promises to supply a guaranteed service of encrypted messages and calls wherein the network communication system, at the present scenario, operating digitally with the help of Infobahn is prone to interference. RakEM is a “new breed of app” altogether with sophisticated encryption that closer the avenue for the hackers to breach into the system and stores the info only in your device. Therefore, once it is deleted from the memory of your device, you can rest assure that it will never surface in any way.
The C.E.O. and the present of Raketu, Mr. Greg Parker says:
"Other messaging apps have promised security, but we've all read the stories about images and messages that have been unwittingly exposed. With security breaches making headlines almost daily, people want assurance that their communications are private and protected. And that, should they have second thoughts about something they sent, they can delete with confidence from devices. Raketu's technology makes this possible."