The Strategist

China introduces large-scale duties on goods from the US

04/02/2018 - 10:37

China's previously announced response to imports from the US has entered into force on Monday. Beijing is urging Washington to negotiate in order to prevent even more damage to relations in the sphere of trade, Reuters reports.

The US did not respond to China's request on March 26 to hold consultations on US duties on steel and aluminum, the Ministry of Commerce of the PRC says in a statement.

On Sunday, the Committee on Customs Tariffs reported that duties on 128 types of US-made imports, which were announced earlier, would come into force on Monday.

The initial list, published by Beijing on March 23, included fresh and dried fruits from the US, ginseng, nuts, wine and pork, as well as some steel products for a total of about $ 3 billion. This is only a small fraction of China's imports from the US. Until now, the main articles of agricultural exports to China, such as soybeans, have not been subject to duties.

In March, US President Donald Trump signed an order to impose import duties on steel and aluminum. Duties on imports of steel amounted to 25%, for imports of aluminum - 10%.

Beijing said that the introduction of these duties is contrary to the rules of the World Trade Organization. On Sunday, China also noted that the tariffs "caused serious damage" to its interests.

Last month, Trump decided to introduce additional duties on imports of Chinese goods worth up to $ 60 billion. The announcement of tariffs was the first in a series of US trade restrictions, set directly against China and intended to combat the alleged theft of American technology.

US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer should publish a list of goods, which will be affected by new tariffs by April 6. China warned that it has a plan for further action, in case these duties are introduced.
