The Strategist

3 things that drain your energy

09/07/2018 - 12:50

We all know what it's like to feel tired. Usually, it occurs after a sleepless night, too active rest or long hours of work. But there is something wrong if fatigue persists constantly. Chronic lack of energy turns us into passengers swimming along the course of life. How can we recharge?

Mic445 via flickr
Mic445 via flickr
Energy and surroundings

Accumulation of things is akin to accumulation of emotional problems. It is a signal that you are "stuck".
Abundance of things leads to stagnation, lethargy and even depression. This is a real curse for energy. Do you know that moment when it’s Sunday, you are lying on the couch and feeling too lazy to get up from it? But if you get up and start doing something, it becomes much easier. A motionless body is difficult to mobilize, so getting rid of unnecessary things is an important step towards creating a positive flow of energy and its accumulation in your life. When you are overwhelmed with fatigue, first of all get rid of debris on the desk and in the office. Quick cleaning helps to recharge in nine out of ten cases.

Here are some tips.

• Throw away old books and magazines

• Discard any projects that you have started but will never finish, or pass them on to those who can do it for you

• Get rid of unnecessary documents, such as old paid bills.

• Put things in order. Remember that a clean table helps to think clearly, and clarity of thinking saves energy

• Clean dust regularly and remove dirt

• Say goodbye to ugly, useless or not valuable things for you.

Having done all this, you will feel much easier and freer. It is not necessary to go to extremes. Your goal is to get rid of garbage, and not turn into an ascetic.

And you can buy flowers. Not only they decorate the house and enrich the air with oxygen, but also bring positive energy.

Energy and people

Did you notice that communication with some people is charging? Usually these are nice people with a positive attitude to life. They are open, enter into a conversation easily and do not require special attention.

But there are people with whom it is difficult. Usually they are called energy vampires: they can suck out energy even from a group of people, and you are deprived of energy, just having been in their presence. Most often they are whiners, cynics and pessimists.

They justified themselves with the fact that "one must look at things soberly," refer to vicissitudes of life or your naivety. But isn’t it possible to be realistic without harming others? We do not always choose the environment ourselves, but we can certainly limit our communication with the “vampires” and communicate more often with those who inspire and charge.

They say that we become similar to those with whom we spend most of our time. So choose your friends wisely.

The powerful No

One short word can release a lot of energy. Do you often choose something that you would rather refuse? Take excessive responsibility? Say "yes" to please someone, although you know that it is better to refuse? Agree to the interlocutor just to avoid a dispute? Or agree because you are afraid of consequences of refusal? Wear and tear yourself while others sit back? Consider yourself responsible for happiness or safety of others?

If you answered "yes" to any of the questions, you need to learn to defend your rights and more clearly define boundaries of what is allowed.

Usually we are told that responsiveness is a positive quality, and rejection is a sign of selfishness. But remember the basic safety rule of flights: put on your mask before helping others. Many parents will find that such behavior is contrary to instinct, but we ourselves need to remain safe to protect children.

The same goes for borders. Taking into account your own needs, you release resources to help others. In addition, when you have a sense of dignity, others respect you, thereby you get more energy. People treat us the way we treat ourselves. If you are always ready to help, people will use you. Do you want to be respected? Set the boundaries.

Try this: refuse anything three times a week. For example: "No, I am too busy to take this project," or "No, I'm not finished yet," or "No, I don’t want coffee, thank you." Let it be something simple, insignificant, so that you are guaranteed to cope with the task.

Why is it so difficult to say no? There are many reasons: from the image of a "good man" to the fear of consequences, real or contrived. But most of all we are afraid that others will think badly about us.

Is there a vegetable you don’t like? Some people hate cucumbers. But in fact there is nothing bad in cucumbers. It's the same with people. If you do not like someone, it does not mean that something is wrong with you.

You might not get along, but you do not need to prove anything. Someone's approval or disapproval is not a measure of your dignity, it does not determine your essence. Self-confidence comes from within. It is an extremely ungrateful business to win sympathy of others, moreover, it drains your energy.

Based on “Ultimate Energy. How to Get from Tired to Inspired” by Tricia Woolfrey