The Strategist

Nike gives a week's leave to all employees to "rest and recover"

09/01/2021 - 03:55

Nike granted a week's holiday to all employees at its US offices in August. The company took the step to allow staff to "rest and recover" from the coronavirus pandemic.

American apparel and sports equipment manufacturer Nike in August granted a week's leave to all employees at its headquarters. This was revealed by the company's senior global marketing manager Matt Marrazzo in a post on LinkedIn. 

According to Marrazzo, management encouraged employees to use this time "to relax, unwind and spend time with their loved ones".

Nike has decided to temporarily close offices to combat employee burnout amid the coronavirus pandemic, Business Insider notes. A spokesman for the company confirmed in a conversation with the publication that Nike employees in the U.S. were given leave from August 23 to 30. He said the sports brand's management decided to "allow employees to take advantage of the extra free time to rest and recuperate".

According to Marrazzo, it is also common practice for Nike to have reduced working hours on Fridays during the summer. As Business Insider explains, the company allows employees to go home early or even take the last day of the week off. Such a rule usually applies from the first Monday in May (American Memorial Day) to the first Monday in September (American Labor Day), the publication writes.
