The Strategist
World & Politics

Hungary: It Is Impossible to Deal With Refugees Without Russia - 10/22/2015

The increasingly dramatic situation with the Balkan route of refugees makes European nations convene an emergency summit. On Sunday, the Heads of States and Governments will be meeting in Brussels to discuss urgent measures to overcome the crisis. 3,500 refugees spent Wednesday night in the open air at Serbo-Croatian border as Croatia has temporarily closed its border. First of all, the situation...

The US and Turkey: The Flawed Alliance - 10/20/2015

Over the last week, US President Barack Obama spoke twice by telephone with President Tayyip Erdogan. The first call was to express the condolences over the terrorist attack in Ankara. The second – offer sympathies in connection with its Syrian policy (although the Turkish government is still stubbornly refusing to fit the cap on). According to knowledgeable sources close to the White House,...

Another Leakage on US Activities: How America Uses Unmanned Aerial Vehicles - 10/19/2015

US online edition “The Intercept” has published secret documents related to the use of US military drones in hot spots. It follows from the file, transferred to the portal by an anonymous US intelligence officer, that a significant part of “objects”, liquidated with use of drones, were not originally “intended targets”. The leak occurred just two months after the Pentagon has decided to sharply...

China Strengthens Its Presence in Central Asia - 10/16/2015

China is increasingly penetrating, especially economically, to Central Asia. According to experts, due to the decline of Russia's influence in the region, as well as the reduction of West’s interest in the region, the growth of Chinese influence may not cause a serious reaction. China itself, which first not intended to include the region its his "empire", now pays more attention to it. According...

EU and the Refugees Problem - 10/15/2015

The Summit of Heads of States and Governments of the member European Union countries starts on Thursday, October 15 at 4 PM. Yet nobody knows when it’s going to close. The European Commission in Berlin hopes that the negotiations (working session, the working dinner, working session again) will be completed on the same day in the evening, but did not rule out that Friday will be a working day,...

Turkey Dissaproves the US and Russian Actions in Syria - 10/14/2015

The Turkish Foreign Ministry had summoned the ambassadors of the US and Russia to warned them against supporting the Syrian Kurds in the fight against Islamic State. At the meeting was described official Turkish view on the Syrian Kurds Party "Democratic Union" to Russian and American diplomats, said the representative of the Turkish Foreign Ministry on Wednesday, 14 October. Neither the US nor...

€ 2,2 Billion: The Bailout for Italian Banks - 10/13/2015

Italian authorities are planning to carry out an urgent recapitalization of three small banks - Banca Marche, Banca Popolare dell'Etruria and Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara - with the use of funds from a fund set up to guarantee the repayment of depositors. According to "Reuters", Banca Marche, Banca Popolare dell'Etruria and Cassa di Risparmio di Ferrara are on the brink of collapse and in urgent...

Contradictions Between OPEC and Goldman Sachs Forecasts on Oil - 10/12/2015

The oil market will come to a more balanced state in 2016. This statement was made at the Oil and Gas Conference in Kuwait by OPEC Secretary General Abdalla Salem El-Badri. He believes that the gap between supply and demand will have disappeared already by the III quarter of next year. Now, there is a slowdown in production outside OPEC, whilst the demand for the commodity continues to grow. This...

The Indian Dream and the US - 10/09/2015

Recently, the press was not the most positive about Obama's Asia Pivot. At the very moment when the president said this phrase, the Middle East demanded more attention to itself. However, it is likely that the negative attitude should ease after the agreement on TTP signed this week. In the course of the project, countries that have signed the agreement will encounter many difficulties....

Israel vs Palestine: Where the Patience Ends - 10/08/2015

There are new clashes in Israel and Palestine. Police reported about four killed Israelis and three Palestinians. Crowds of Palestinian youths are throwing stones at law enforcement officers, who are responding with fire. Jewish settlers are burning car tyres and attacking Arab neighbors. Again, two missiles were launched from the Gaza Strip in response to the Israeli air forces bombing targets...
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