The Strategist
Innovation & Tools

Unmanned Vehicles Are Going to the UK - 03/14/2016

This week, the UK government officially announced that unmanned vehicles will be allowed to be tested on public roads. The authorities believe that such cars would not only significantly reduce accidents on the roads but also stimulate innovation being implemented by many automakers. For example, late last week, General Motors has spent $ 1 billion to buy a California startup that develops an...

Robo-Advisers Encroach On Financial Market - 03/08/2016

The practice of computer-aided development of investment strategies (robo-advising) is becoming more common in the financial advisory market. As follows from the analysis of the Swiss company MyPrivateBanking Research, the share of assets controlled by computers will rise to 1.6% by 2025. Over the last year, the volume of assets increased from $ 19 billion to $ 43 billion. The hybrid form of...

40 Largest Banks Tested Bitcoin Technology - 03/04/2016

R3 Consortium introduced an unprecedentedly ambitious experiment. Forty world-leading banks have tested a system for operations with bonds based on blockchain technology. R3 Consortium introduced an unprecedentedly ambitious experiment. Forty world-leading banks have tested a system for operations with bonds based on blockchain technology.   Providers of five technologies that have been...

What Space Changes in Human Body - 03/02/2016

Crew of the International Space Station arrived on to Earth on 1st of March, having 340 days on the station behind their backs. Among the crew is NASA astronaut Scott Kelly, known for its space pictures. His return means that soon scientists from NASA will be able to determine effect of weightlessness on the human body at the genetic level (currently, little is known about it). How Kelly can...

Geneva International Motor Show: Feasting on Cheap Fuel - 02/29/2016

This week, Geneva opens its doors to the first major European auto show this year. At the Detroit Motor Show, producers were trying to capture imagination of the visitors by intelligent autonomous control technologies. Geneva, in contrast, will present several powerful SUVs and sports cars from leading luxury manufacturers. Many observers have already called the forthcoming show a showcase of the...

IT Leaders Pegged At Connecting All Devices Together - 02/24/2016

Companies within AllSeen Alliance (Microsoft, Qualcomm, Cisco, Electrolux and others) announced creation of Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF). The organization will compose a single set of open IoT-protocols, which will accelerate the development of the Internet system of things (IoT). Microsoft and major international IT companies announced formation of the organization Open Connectivity...

What's Eating Your Phone's Battery? - 02/19/2016

Social networks’ messengers and applications turned out to be the main battery eaters in smartphones. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram continue to consume the charge even when you are not using your phone. Major smartphone’s battery eaters are heavy games and apps downloading data on the background. However, your device’s charge may end up somewhere in the middle of the day, even if you have not...

Why Do American Hi-Tech Giants Need British Artificial Intelligence? - 02/09/2016

The US technology giants such as Apple and the Microsoft began to buy up British start-ups involved in the creation of artificial intelligence (AI). What is the reason? The passion for innovation, or preparation for a new arms race? It seems that Foggy Albion will soon become a conflux of innovations related to artificial intelligence. Unless, of course, American counterparts do not buy all it up...

Solar Energy to Help British Intelligence - 02/04/2016

UK Ministry of Defence will purchase two UAVs equipped with solar panels from Airbus Defence and Space. We are talking about drones Zephyr, which keep the watch at an altitude of 20 km during two weeks. According to Minister of Defense Michael Fallon speaking during a briefing, his department intends to conclude a contract with Airbus Defence and Space for the supply of two new UAVs Zephyr 8....

Google Is Developing Its Own Virtual Reality Headset - 01/29/2016

It looks like the cardboard VR-headset Google Cardboard is not the only project that connects the search giant with the world of virtual reality. Of course, the corporation’s management closely monitors the changes in the global trend, and when the public is particularly agitated by future releases of headsets like Oculus Rift, Vive and PlayStation VR, it is impossible to remain on the sidelines,...
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