The Strategist
World & Politics

Developing Countries are Slipping Lower - 09/09/2015

Recent studies of the Institute of International Finance and the bank JPMorgan confirm that crisis hit emerging markets is in full swing The stock markets of these countries slipped by 40%; Government bonds of these countries are at risk because of significant individual debts. Who remembers investors’ enthusiasm of at the bare mention of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)?...

Serbia Is the New EU Candidate - 09/07/2015

Serbia will begin accession negotiations with the European Union until the end of the year. This was announced by EU Commissioner for European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn. Brussels’ decision in relation to the key Balkan country's means EU returned to a policy of active enrollment the Balkans into their ranks. The growing influence of Russia in the region is called...

Opinion: Democratization of Europe - 09/04/2015

Yanis Varoufakis, the former Greek finance minister, has his own opinion about democracy in Europe Politicians tend to commit new sins to cover their old offenses. And political systems are proving its worth by quick closure serial mutually reinforcing political mistakes of their officials. Judging by this standard, the euro area, including the 19 established democracies, is lagging behind the...

Spain Benefits From Lower Oil Prices - 09/04/2015

The decline in oil prices has a positive impact on the economy of Spain, as long as it is protected from the weakening of the Chinese economy (that is one of the reasons for the oil market decline), said Spanish Finance Minister Luis de Guindos. In an interview with Bloomberg, he noted that the decline in energy prices for individuals and for companies has been supporting the growth of the...

US Air Force are Waiting for a New Strategic Bomber - 09/03/2015

US Air Force began its consideration of applications for the creation of a new strategic bomber. It is reported that the military will choose between two models proposed by corporation Northrop Grumman, as well as a joint venture between Boeing and Lockheed Martin. The winner will be declared in October. According to Defense News, on Tuesday the developers presented their plans for a new...

Upsurge of Crimes in USA - 09/02/2015

This year, crime rates soared in various US cities after several years of decline, according to the local government and the American media. American authorities have not yet announced general statistics for 2015, but some of the cities themselves have already published the data. At least 30 cities reported an increase in homicides. Experts find it difficult to say with certainty what lies...

Vietnamese Customs Confiscated a Ton of Elephant Tusks - 08/28/2015

Vietnamese customs officers confiscated a container in the port of Danang, in which there were a ton of elephant tusks and more than four tons of pangolin skins - a rare animal that resembles an armadillo, said Friday the newspaper "Khom Chad Luek". The cargo was registered as "canned beans in banks" and travelled from Malaysia to a private trading company in Vietnam. A week earlier in Danang,...

IAEA Project in Kazakhstan: LEU Bank Against the Atomic Bomb - 08/27/2015

In Astana, August 27 an agreement between the Government of Kazakhstan and the IAEA on the establishment of the international bank of low enriched uranium (LEU) in the republic is signed in Astana, August 27. The bank will be formed in the territory and with the use of technical base of the Ulba Metallurgical Plant (UMP) in Ust-Kamenogorsk. The signing ceremony was attended by representatives of...

ECB's Quantitative Easing is Delivering Results - 08/27/2015

Growth in bank lending to companies and individuals in the euro zone accelerated in July 2015 compared with the previous month, according to the European Central Bank (ECB). Thus, the policy of quantitative easing (QE), implemented by the ECB, is bearing fruit. The total volume of bank lending in the past month increased by 0.9% compared with July 2014, after increasing by 0.2% a month earlier....

Environmental Pollution: India vs China - 08/25/2015

China and India play a major role in ensuring the growth of the Asian population and identify trends in the process of urbanization. According to the research institute McKinsey in 2010, it is expected that the two countries will provide 62% of the continent's urban population growth between 2005 and 2025, and an impressive 40% of the growth in the world. Statistics point to the urgency of the...
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