The Strategist
World & Politics

EU Court Criticized Scotland's Attempts to Fight Alcohol Abuse - 12/23/2015

EU Court criticized the price struggle with alcoholism in Decision of the Scottish government to set a minimum price for alcohol in presence of other tax measures violates EU law. Such a was pronounced by the European court. It is reported by The Guardian. The Court in Luxembourg came to the conclusion that such a policy would end up with limits for the market. They can be avoided by setting...

Renminbi is Spreading Around the World: Zimbabwe Launches Internal RMB Transactions - 12/23/2015

The Government of Zimbabwe introduced calculations in renminbi in the country. This way, this African country, ruled by self-perpetuating Robert Mugabe for 35 years, is hoping to further strengthen cooperation with China. After a prolonged economic crisis, hyperinflation and devaluation, the Zimbabwean authorities have refused to use its own currency, and now South African rand, euro and the US...

Support for Chancellor Angela Merkel Rose for the First Time Since July - 12/21/2015

Public discontent with policies of German Chancellor Angela Merkel on refugees has decreased for the first time since July this year. This is evidenced by a survey of the German broadcasting company ARD. Number of those who support course of Frau Merkel has grown in comparison with beginning of November by 3 percentage points and amounted to 42%. According to a public poll conducted on 14-16...

Argentinian Peso Rushed Down - 12/18/2015

Currency of the second largest economy in South America, Argentina, fallen by 26.5% in a day. This happened after the country's new president Mauricio Macri abolished foreign exchange restrictions imposed by the previous government to curb the peso. Liberalization and market reform are among the new president’s main measures to bring the economy out of stagflation, which started under the...

Japan to Continue Financing the US Troops Presence in the Country - 12/16/2015

The US and Japan have agreed that the Japanese government will proceed to pay for the American military presence until March 2021. The military support is estimated at 198.9 billion yen. Japan will continue to financially support US troops on its territory in the amount of nearly 190 billion yen (1.6 billion dollars) a year, reported Kyodo news agency on Wednesday. According to the agency,...

Zika Virus Threatens the 2016 Olympics in Brazil - 12/15/2015

A dangerous virus Zika has spread to nine countries in Latin America, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The first cases of Zika infection were marked in Brazil in May. Recently the virus has been found in Panama (three cases), Paraguay (six cases), Mexico (three cases), Venezuela (seven cases), Guatemala, El Salvador, Suriname and Colombia. The WHO advises the authorities of...

The Delicate Equilibrium Between Data Privacy and Public Safety - 12/14/2015

Administration of Twitter warned some of its users that they might have been hacked to steal information from their accounts. At that, the attacks could have been ordered by foreign states. This is the first statement of this kind made by Twitter. Among the warning’s addressees are experts in cryptography, security researchers, political activists and journalists. In the message, Twitter...

Japan’s expeditionary force is growing… But is Japan prepared for what’s coming? - 12/14/2015

Tensions are rising in the South China Sea, as China is reclaiming islands “at a rapid pace,’ according to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. China has already built artificial islands and facilities in the disputed areas, provoking other claimants, including the Philippines and other Southeast...

American Middle Class is Losing Ground - 12/10/2015

According to the Research Center Pew Research, share of middle class in the entire US population is now less than 50%. The reduction was triggered by increase in number of the poorest and the wealthiest segments of the nation. According to Pew Research center, the middle class, which was the economic mainstay and the majority of American society for nearly half a century, now found itself in the...

Monetization of Social Benefits: The Finnish Experiment - 12/09/2015

The Finnish government plans to pay monthly 550 euros ($ 810) to all adult citizens, regardless of whether they have other income. The amount will not be taxed. Instead, the Finns will have to give up all other social benefits, which account for an average of 600 euros, but no more than 1,500 euros (data from the Social Security Administration). The government is going to finalize the idea and...
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