US Makes Same-Sex Marriages Legal

06/26/2015 7:01 PM

On Friday, the US Supreme Court ruled that the right to same-sex marriage is not contrary to the constitution. Currently, same-sex marriages are allowed in 37 states out of 50.

JoshuaMHoover via flickr
US President Barack Obama said the decision of the Supreme Court (SC) of the country, legalized same-sex marriage, is "a victory for America," which will make Americans equal and free.

- This is a victory for America ... It confirms that millions of Americans are equal and we have become more free, - Obama said in a special message.

According to him, it is a victory for the couples who have long fought for the rights, and for children in these families - families who were not recognized the equal by others.

Obama expressed confidence that the court's decision will strengthen the American society, which today has become "a little more perfect."

Now, based on the Supreme Court ruling, its conclusion will be guaranteed throughout the United States. Immediately, a rally of supporters of same-sex marriages started after the decision on the square in front of the courthouse.

Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is considered the most likely candidate from the Democratic Party in the presidential elections, welcomed the decision of the Supreme Court of the country authorizing same-sex marriage, and said she is proud of it.

"Proud", - Clinton briefly formulated her attitude to the court decision on her page on Facebook.

At the same time, she placed the word "history" made in rainbow colors, which are considered a symbol of the LGBT community.

Prior to the election campaign, Clinton has always stood for the rights of women and children around the world, but was much more cautious in her statements, when it came to same-sex marriages. However, in March, she expressed support for same-sex marriage, admitting that her views on this subject have evolved.

Observers regard the unappeasable decision of the court as the second major victory of President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. Before, the court issued a principle decision to finance health care, guaranteeing the provision of medical care to all citizens of the United States, what actually saved the reform known as "Obamacare".


