UK watchdog will pay for energy savings for the second winter in a row

09/01/2023 3:25 AM

According to a National Grid survey, 86% of families who previously participated in the program are open to signing up again for the upcoming winter season.

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Due to the anticipated heavy demand on the system this winter, National Grid, which runs Britain's integrated energy system, will award homeowners with cash for reducing their electricity usage, reports Reuters.

It claims that approximately 1.6 million homes signed for the program last winter. Most of them were rewarded with lower electricity rates. According to a National Grid study, 86% of these families were open to taking part in the program once more over the upcoming winter season.

Participants expressed satisfaction with completing the challenge, earning money, and contributing to a nationwide team effort. These are the primary advantages of joining the program, according to the statement. It also noted that the scheme's enrollment would open up in the upcoming months.

