U.S. approves impeachment of Trump

01/14/2021 2:51 AM

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives voted in favour of a resolution to impeach President Donald Trump a week before he formally stepped down as head of the White House. A total of 210 congressmen voted in favour and 190 were against. 33 members of the House did not vote. Among those who voted for impeachment were nine Republicans, Trump's fellow party members.

Gage Skidmore
Impeachment does not automatically mean the president is removed from office. The issue will now move to the upper house of Congress, the Senate, which for now is controlled by Republicans. Members of the Senate must conduct a hearing on the charges against Trump and make a decision. The president's ouster will be possible if he is found guilty by at least two-thirds of the senators.

However, senators will not return from the New Year's break before 19 January, which is the last day of Trump's presidential term. So far, the Senate has never held impeachment proceedings against officials who have already left office, Bloomberg notes. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell declined to call an emergency meeting to address the allegations against Trump, the agency reported. 

Trump became the first president in US history to be impeached twice. The House of Representatives first did so in December 2019, accusing Trump of abuse of power and obstruction of justice. However, Democrats failed to remove Trump from office and the Senate acquitted the president of the charges. 

Democrats initiated new impeachment proceedings after radical Trump supporters stormed the congress building on January 6. Five people were killed in the rioting. Trump, who had earlier called on supporters at a rally to "march on the Capitol", was accused of sedition and committing "particularly serious crimes and offences". A resolution approved by the House of Representatives cited as grounds for impeachment a provision of the third section of the 14th amendment to the US constitution that prohibits a person who has participated in "insurrection or rebellion" from holding any office.

source: reuters.com
