Tesco imposes new restrictions on retail sales in the UK

12/24/2020 6:38 AM

Britain's largest retailer Tesco has limited sale of five of its most popular items, The Guardian reports.

One customer will be able to buy not more than one roll of toilet paper, not more than three packs of eggs, rice, bars of soap and containers of handwashing detergent (the restrictions do not apply to hand sanitizers). 

Meanwhile, in Tesco shops, a number of restrictions on the sale of goods had already been in place since September: no more than three packs of flour, pasta, rolls of toilet paper, baby wet wipes and antibacterial wipes can be bought.

The introduction of the new restrictions followed the closure of France's border with the UK, which caused disruption to the supply of some foodstuffs, including fruit and vegetables. Borders were closed due to the spread of a more contagious strain of the coronavirus in the UK.

Retailers and the local authorities are urging the public not to make mass purchases in the run-up to Christmas. However, according to British media, more than 15 million people left a record £2.5bn in supermarkets on Monday and Tuesday.

source: theguardian.com
