Sebastian Kurz heads Austrian government once again

01/09/2020 8:02 AM

A new government was sworn in Austria this week. Its head, 33-year-old Sebastian Kurz, has once again become the youngest prime minister in the world. At the same time, he is the most experienced politician in his office.

OSZE 2017 Mauerbach
Journalists speak of the new Austrian government as unique and unprecedented for several reasons.

First, Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz, 33, is the youngest head of government in the world. He took the post of Federal Chancellor back in 2017 at the age of 31. Last year, a vote of no confidence was passed to his government against the backdrop of the scandal surrounding partners in the government coalition, and the head of the Finnish government, 34-year-old Sanna Marin, temporarily seized the title of youngest prime minister. However, in September 2019, the party of Sebastian Kurtz once again won the extraordinary parliamentary elections. And on Tuesday, January 7, President Alexander van der Bellen swore his second government.

Secondly, for the first time there are more women than men in the new government. Although the positions of chancellor and vice chancellor are held by men, ladies received 9 of 17 seats, including the chairs of the heads of the ministries of defense and integration.

Thirdly, this is the first so-called turquoise-green government of Austria, referring to the party colors of the center-right Austrian People’s Party and the Green Party. Both political forces had to make significant concessions when drawing up the government program. So, the green ones sought concessions from partners in environmental issues and energy conservation, and the center-right - in the field of migration.

