The Strategist
Management & Strategy

Analysts try to figure out the strategy behind Microsoft’s hardware division - 07/23/2015

With Microsoft announcing a record loss, analysts are left wondering what is its hardware strategy? Microsoft’s cash counters are singing: sales of Xbox gaming consoles and Surface tablets are reaching newer heights and yet, strangely, they are contributing to less than 10% of the company’s revenue, making analysts scratch their heads and wonder – are these barely profitable? Or are they...

Work, You're My Obsession - 07/21/2015

This article is more meant for workaholics. Almost every company has at least one person who constantly talks about work. Some look at it with indulgence, but more often, it causes irritation. This is annoying for at least three reasons: •    The interviewer is not competent in the subject of conversation. If you work in a high-tech, IT or another specific industry or position,...

United Technologies to sell its Sikorsky division for $8 billion to Lockheed Martin - 07/20/2015

As per sources familiar with the matter, but not wanting to be named since they were not authorized to speak on the matter – Lockheed Martin is all set to acquire United Technology’s Sikorsky - of Black Hawk fame - for $8 billion. United Technologies Corp has decided to sell its Sikorsky Aircraft division for a whopping $8 billion to U.S aircraft giant, Lockheed Martin Corp. The deal will help...

What to Do with Bad Guys, and How Not to Become the Same? - 07/16/2015

Have you ever been in a team with an upstart who kept on the alert the whole team? Cooperation with such people affects productivity, overall atmosphere and self-esteem of each team member. After all, the effect of upstarts’ behavior is cumulative because negative interactions affect our moods more strongly than positive ones. Robert Sutton of Stanford University in his book ‘The No Asshole Rule:...

US launches program to reduce digital divide - 07/16/2015

US government has announced a pilot program to introduce free or subsidized Internet service in 27 US cities, especially in the low income families.   The pilot program, called ConnectHome, which was announced Wednesday will cover more than 275,000 households. The White house is estimating that the program will provide online access for almost 200,000 children. The program will aim to...

Is subscribing to Amazon’s Prime worth it despite the late deliveries? Totally. - 07/15/2015

Although subscribing to Amazon’s Prime membership will cost you $99 a year, and despite the late deliveries, if any, read on to find out why it is still worth paying for Amazon’s Prime. With Amazon’s Prime deliveries being handled by the United Parcel Service Inc. instead of a private player in this field, the quality of service has become spotty, with the result that many online buyer’s love...

Concentration is Easy - 07/14/2015

Sometimes you have the feeling that you are constantly busy and solve a lot of issues, but not advance in the development of your business or personality? That you are constantly with busy routine, but do not and a step towards your goals? If so, here are four simple advices from the book "Decide. Work Smarter, Reduce Your Stress and Lead by Example" to help increase the job productivity and not...

Will Alexis Tsipras be able to tie the Gordian Knot? - 07/14/2015

Having stormed to power promising tax cuts and the pains of financial reforms, Greek’s Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, has now to ensure that financial reforms are in fact passed by his own coalition government. To make things more interesting – he has to do it with a ticking clock, otherwise all hell breaks loose. With Greek’s Prime Minister running on a clock to pass a series of pro-market...

All bets of a Grexit are on hold as Greece clinches a deal with Eurozone - 07/13/2015

After a 17 hour marathon negotiation with its European partners, Greece has finally managed to clinch a deal. After a strenuous all night session, Greece has finally clinched an agreement with the leaders of the Eurozone. The bankruptcy that was staring at them in the face, has receded by a step. Eurozone leaders have agreed for a third bailout package after going through a series of cliff hanger...

How to Get Things Done Before Lunch - 07/07/2015

You can keep up to make 90% of your work - and even more - in the morning. But how? Neil Patel, marketer and founder of Internet services Crazy Egg, gives 14 tips: 1. Plan your day in the evening Every evening, you need to list all your tasks and note what exactly you are going to do the next day. If you don’t plan the morning, you won’t be productive. It’s better to be realistic and have a...
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