Is the revolution in Venezuela nearing its end?

03/01/2019 4:20 AM

Nicolas Maduro and Juan Guaidó have been fighting for power in Venezuela for already a month. However, despite influential support from abroad, helplessness of Guaidó is growing. Is the revolution really going according to plan?

Voice of America
The Venezuelan opposition and foreign assistants do not want to give up. They are planning new actions in order to deliver humanitarian aid to Venezuela surrounded by the military. But, no matter how the next round of confrontation at the border ends, on Saturday there was a pause in the conflict between sovereign Nicolas Maduro and interim president Juan Guaidó, who has been recognized by a significant number of states.

Here’s how his “official” appeal to the international community sounds: “We must consider all options in order to achieve liberation of our Fatherland”. Now, however, itbecame an expression of helplessness, if not despair. Maduro will be able to use the appeal of Guaidó as proof that his opponents want to sacrifice the country along with its oil wealth to the "North American imperialists." A meeting between Guaidó and US Vice President Mike Pence on Monday in Bogota will provide the dictator in Caracas with appropriate illustrations in favor of these slanders.

Thus ends the month, which was unusually planned and organized under the sign of an uprising against the dictatorship established over two decades. Even before declaring himself the interim president before thousands of compatriots on January 23, the former leader of the student movement Guaidó enlisted the support of both Washington and significant neighboring countries. Despite tough suppression measures, Guaidó managed to hold rallies, give interviews, organize an international action and show impressive pictures of the humanitarian aid gathering at the border. The program even included an open-air concert to inspire helpers. But the plan failed. Only a few police officers turned away from Maduro, and only certain loads of humanitarian aid were brought into the country. Maduro keeps his troops under control.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo publishes sharp tweets. He called Maduro a “tyrant” and promised “measures” against those who blocked democratic change. However, he said did not confirmed the fact that there is a globally agreed scenario for the current situation. It is still not clear whether Guaidó will succeed in returning to Caracas after performing in Colombia.

