Iran unlocks $1.6B of funds frozen by USA

04/13/2020 6:08 AM

Tehran won a trial in a case of $ 1.6 billion of Iranian funds that had previously been frozen in Luxembourg’s jurisdiction at the request of the United States, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said at a meeting of the headquarters against coronavirus.

Mahmoud Hosseini
His words are quoted by the Fars agency. Rouhani said the country was able to triumph in a European court over Washington’s attempt to block and confiscate Tehran’s assets in order to allegedly transfer them to the victims of the September 11 terrorist attack.

In 2012, a New York court ruled that Iran was obliged to pay $ 7 billion in connection with the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, as, according to the American side, it helped al-Qaeda militants to proceed through its territory. Tehran denied these allegations, but refused to pay.

Earlier, the head of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic Abdolnasser Hemmati said that Iran in two trials managed to regain access to these funds in Luxembourg and prevent the transfer of this money to the United States.

It is noted noted that the Luxembourg court has not yet announced this decision.

Tehran’s first attempt to regain control of these funds in 2017 ended in vain. In addition, billions of dollars of Iranian funds still remain frozen in the United States and Europe - a measure that was supposed to persuade Iran to conclude an international agreement on the nuclear program of 2015, which the United States left in 2018.

