Instagram feed will now be endless

08/24/2020 11:38 AM

The social network Instagram has launched a new function, thanks to which the users' feed will continue with similar posts of other people. The company announced this in its help center.

Perzonseo Webbyra via flickr
Instagram uses the popularity algorithm to show the posts of those who follow the user for the last two days. Now, at the end of the feed, the user will be shown the so-called suggested posts on topics of interest to the user, as well as advertising. Unlike the "Explore" tab, which offers posts with a wide selection of topics, the suggested will only be selected based on topics of direct interest to the user.

The Instagram feed end tool was introduced in 2018, motivated by the need to monitor users' mental health. Then, it was stated that the company wants to provide users with more information about how much time they spend on the application, because it should "have a positive effect on users and be voluntary." Now, Instagram probably follows the example of TikTok, whose feed never ends either.

