Greek eco-anarchists are going to poison customers of supermarkets

12/22/2017 1:21 PM

Participants of "Green-Black Commando" group are wanted by the Greek police. Under the slogan of combating consumerism, the group allegedly poisoned several popular food products with hydrochloric acid and put them furtively in supermarkets in Athens and Thessaloniki. The authorities urged consumers to temporarily refuse to purchase these products. Now, the products are being withdrawn from the sale for verification.

Greek management control over the quality of food (EFET) has urged customers in Athens and Thessaloniki not to buy in the next few days a number of products, and the shop owners are advised to withdraw these products from sale. EFET President spoke on national television and assured his fellow citizens that there would be no danger of poisoning, since all products would be withdrawn from stores. So far there were no reports of poisoning of citizens.

Participants of "Green-Black Commando" group warned about their plans in a statement published on the anti-globalization information website Independent Media Center. "In the run up to Christmas, thousands of people are leaving the couch to do some shopping for the holiday table, and fill their empty existence with consumer rubbish in beautiful, shiny packaging. Millions of living creatures are killed in order to get them on the table of living dead, gutted for the sake of satisfying their taste preferences", the statement said. "Green-Black Commando", who call themselves eco-anarchists or fighters with consumerism, decided to hold the action on the eve of Christmas, as, in their words, it is during this period that consumerism in society is exacerbated.

Several large supermarkets in Athens and Thessaloniki, the names of which, naturally, are not disclosed, were chosen for the action. The eco-anarchists said that they injected hydrochloric acid with syringes into an unnamed number of 1.5-liter bottles of Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola Light, liter Delta milk packages and Yfantis sausages. The group warned that the poisoned products will be put on the shelves of supermarkets until December 24. To prove the seriousness of their intentions, the group members supplemented the statement with photographs showing the products with syringes stuck in them.

This is not the first such action of the so-called eco-anarchists in Greece. "Green-Black Commando" first announced themselves in 2013. Every year, their closest in spirit groups announce the next poisoning of food, calling them "acts of retribution", on the eve of Christmas. Last year, as part of another "act of retribution" directed against "our enemies - transnational corporations", Greek eco-anarchists injected hydrochloric acid and other substances into Nestea, Coca-Cola drinks, Hellmann's sauces, Delta milk, tomato sauce Pummaro.

