Getting into Consumer's Mind with Scent Marketing

05/12/2015 5:03 PM

No need to be a professional flavors taster to distinguish a good from a bad smell. Each of us prefers the places where the air is saturated with the most pleasant smells to us. People are returning to places that sink into their soul and stuck in mind. One of the reasons - the smell; a unique aroma that literally encourages the desire to associate ourselves with the place, and, in this case, make a purchase and remember the brand.

We are talking about Scent Marketing.

 The idea of ​​using fragrance to attract the attention of people is not new. Back in the Middle Ages, real estate agents used clever tricks in order to enhance the attractiveness of houses and apartments. Before showing the room to buyer, a freshly baked cake or bread was put on invisible place in advance, to induce a sense of comfort, reminiscent of home.

The term Scent Marketing is not familiar to many. Yes, and it is one of the last lines in the advertising industry, where the visual and auditory techniques almost exhausted all its possibilities. As you know, today, open advertising affects people not very positive. And, more precisely, people in the modern world don’t want to see or hear any advertisements. But people find it very difficult to ignore the smell. Based on this, now many retail companies are considering Scent Marketing as a strong tool that can attract customers and boost consumer spending. No less important is the creation of a sensory level "olfactory logo" that would have routed into the consciousness of consumers for many years.
How can you take full advantage of the power of fragrance so that it could really help the business?

To start, let’s get to know the mechanism of this subspecies of marketing so you can draw a conclusion about how it is effective. And, most importantly, to determine: whether scent design fits it your business.

At the heart of scent marketing is a subliminal feeling getting in a consumer’s consciousness through one of the most important senses - smell. Scientists have long shown that the smell has a very strong effect on memory and mood. Because each of us is constantly remembering the aroma of our favorite perfume, aren’t you? The Scent Marketing is built on this simple principle. The main idea is in making consumers remember the positive memories through the power of fragrance, what certainly affects the person at the time of purchase at the emotional level.

Customers spend more

Scent Marketing is an efficient and very cost-effective tool to increase business revenue. For example, a study conducted in Las Vegas, revealed that after the room was scented, the players spent 45% more money than usual. An owner of a pastry shop was pleased with the results after using the aroma of fresh baked goods. This smell makes the client feel hunger, even if they came just to have a cup of coffee.

Where a fragrance can be used? 

There is an unlimited number of possible combinations of scents, so Scent Marketing can be successfully applied in various fields of business. Moreover, the use of this tool is designed to increase not only sales, but also to stand out among competitors and to underline the status. Therefore, Scent Marketing, first of all, should be considered as a set of measures aimed at attracting unobtrusive attention of potential customers.

Companies using Aromamarketing


SAMSUNG, one of the largest industrial corporations in the world, conducted a small marketing investigation. During the presentation of the new collection of household appliances, a brand fragrance designed specifically for SAMSUNG has been "tested". The testimonials after the show were the most positive. In addition, the organizers drew attention to another important fact: the people were staying in the scented room for about 11 minutes longer than usual.


Another global giant for the production of electronics and appliances SONY is certainly ​​not behind the marketing of innovations. The company joined the fragrance battle with whit using a scent combining an admixture of mandarin and vanilla. "We chose this flavor not by chance, since our company is interested in attracting the female audience" - Creative Director SONY Christine Belich.


Aromatization in the commercial was first used by NIVEA in Germany. Before a film in a cinema, during the commercials depicting the seashore and resting people, the aroma of the sunscreen was sprayed around the hall, and a ad was completed with the inscription: "Nivea- smell of summer." As a result, awareness of products among the audience increased by 515%.

There is no as such "miracle flavor" that can instantly boost sales and get customers to come back again and again. Therefore, a businessman cannot rely on the taste and intuition when choosing the odor, since each species developed by professionals relate to its own types of business products. Choosing a right fragrance can improve the brand image, as well as the wrong scent applied to business can give quite the opposite effect.
