French trade minister: France is not going to stop importing Turkish goods

10/27/2020 2:19 AM

France is not going to boycott Turkish goods in response to statements by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said Foreign Trade Minister Franck Riester.

Remi Jouan
"This is not on the agenda at all. We will not act as Turkey does today," said the Minister on Radio RTl.

Radio Europe 1 had previously reported, citing sources, that France was working on a response to Turkey. "After calls for a boycott, which is rebroadcast by Turkish networks, France is thinking about economic sanctions - for example, limiting imports of Turkish goods," the station said.

Earlier, Erdogan called on citizens to boycott French goods. The reason was the words of French leader Emmanuel Macron that the republic is not going to give up cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. Erdogan advised him to get a "mental health check", after which France recalled its ambassador in Turkey.

