Deloitte: Consumers are scared by smart devices that eavesdrop on conversations

11/03/2021 2:38 AM

Consultancy company Deloitte has published a study on global marketing trends for 2022.

The researchers surveyed 11,500 users of various age groups from 19 countries. Respondents were asked to rate ten brand contact options that use customer data. Respondents found the most useful contact option (68% of positive ratings) to be when a brand they regularly shop with notifies them when items are on sale. 

However, 11% found such warnings scary. At the same time, 53% of respondents find offers of products from "smart" devices (smartphone, smart speaker, etc.) that "eavesdrop" on conversations scary, and only 26% called this mode of interaction useful.

The study also says that offers from an unfamiliar brand based on capturing the user's geo-location were found "useful" by 40% of respondents, while 32% found it "intimidating". The same offers from a favorite brand were deemed "useful" by a slightly higher 41% of respondents, while the same 32% found them "scary". 

In turn, cookie ads from web search history were deemed useful by 41% of respondents, while 31% found them frightening. The report suggests that the responses may encourage many brands to "rethink the way they engage with consumers, from launching a specific type of interaction to completely changing their strategy for analyzing and applying consumer data.

