BBC World Service receives £20 million to fight misinformation

03/15/2023 9:25 AM

The U.K. Department of Foreign, Commonwealth, and International Development revealed a one-time donation of £20 million (or roughly $24.13 million) to the BBC World Service.

Elliott Brown
The money is designated "to safeguard all 42 language services of the World Service for the next two years and to fight misinformation," according to a statement from the ministry.

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly commented, "As the international broadcaster most trusted around the world, the BBC World Service is a crucial source of accurate and unbiased news, analysis, and discussion in 42 languages for 365 million people around the world."

"This one-time payment will allow the BBC World Service to continue playing a crucial role in fighting terrorism and keep its unrivaled status as the world's largest international broadcaster."


