Air France employees to strike on Christmas holidays

11/17/2022 2:45 AM

According to the Figaro, unions representing stewards and stewardesses of the French airline Air France launched a strike that would go on from December 22 to January 2.

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The media, citing a source, said that "the two main unions of stewards and flight attendants, SNGAF and Unac, issued a warning about the strike for the Christmas holidays from December 22 to January 2."

The strike warning serves as a signal to the company’s management, as was mentioned. Better working conditions and more pay are what the unions are requesting.7

The unions claim that calling for an active strike will be all they have to do if they are not heard.

In contrast, employers are expecting greater output from workers. One stewardess should serve 50 passengers on a flight, not 48 as it is currently the case.

