The Strategist

Google co-founder gives away $127 million worth of stock to charity

08/15/2022 - 11:15

According to documents posted on the Securities and Exchange Commission website, Sergey Brin, Alphabet's co-founder and top shareholder, sent to charity 1.07 million shares for a total of $127 million on August 8.

Thomas Hawk
Thomas Hawk
Recipients of the share transfers are unknown. According to a source of U.S. Forbes, the millionaire donated them to the Michael J. Fox Foundation and the Sergey Brin Family Foundation, two humanitarian organizations.

Brin owns 739 million shares of Google and typically gives to charity once or twice a year. The millionaire also donated $23 million worth of shares to Nicole Shanahan's charity, whom he is divorcing, according to Forbes USA. A donation was also made to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, which is working to find a treatment for Parkinson's disease. The condition affects Breen's mother.

A stake in Alphabet makes up 90% of Sergey Brin's projected $96.6 billion fortune, according to Forbes Real-Time. In 2019, Brin resigned from his position as Google's president, but he is still a controlling stakeholder and a board member.



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